Gabby playing at the beach. For those of you who do not know Gabby has Autism. She has never enjoyed playing on the sand let alone walking on it. I was just so amazed that she was able to sit on the towel and play with the sand toys. I am so very proud of her!!!

My sister and I at Pino Provence for Birthday Dinner. My mom took my sister and I out to celebrate my BD. Then we went to Chorus Line at the Newport Beach Performing Arts Center. Okay, I had no idea that Chorus Line was so sexual in content. It had a T&A song! I was shocked. All in all it was very fun though to have a girls night out with mom and my sis.

Gabby dancing in N&P's living room.

Gabby with Nanny and Papa (my parents).

Flowers from my Birthday Dinner at BBC.
My parents planned this dinner party for my Birthday celebration. It was held in the private dinning room of the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. Unfortunately since it was for me I was not in charge of picture taking. Hubby was. I don't have any good pictures of family or friends. I will have to tell you about it. Of course DH and DD Gabby were present. My sister Jill and her husband were there. One of my niece's Tori made it. Then we had my Mom and Dad, Cousin Bill and his wife Zoe, and Rick my brother (not really but we grew up together) and his lovely wife Annie.
We all gathered and got to visit out on the terrace over looking the bay and watch the sunset. I have a picture of that!

Then we went into the private dinning room and were served this wonderful 5 course dinner. It was scrumptious and so much fun visiting with everyone. The topper of the evening was my sister's present. She made a collage of my younger years. It is so special!! I am going to hang it up in our hall way.
I have to admit that I really do miss being closer to my family. I really enjoy WA but, my parents are getting older and they are going to start needing me more. Thank goodness they are in really good health and they both drive. They have not slowed down yet!