laughter is to the soul!
Yiddish Proverb
I have a beautiful daughter who is lost to herself. I miss her giggles and silly laughter. She has Autism and is now 11 and a half. She has made great strides in the last several years of her life. She had always been a sweet girl with a smile on her face. In the last several years she has been growing up and changing into a little lady. With this has come an attitude to boot! I am at a loss as to how to help her. She is now an angry,defiant and mad child. I say white and she says black. I pop my head in her room to say Hi and she starts raging at me. We are adjusting some of her medications and seeing a Behavioral Therapist also. Now I am going to take her back to the OBGYN and see if her hormones are out of whack. I have to coax her into getting up in the morning and get ready for school.While I am trying to coax her she is yelling screaming, hitting, and kicking at me. We always end up in a battle. She is refusing to come down to eat for meals. She has always been sensitive to an empty stomach and would get cranky. With the ADHD med she is not as hungry though. She is on 4 different meds and I 'm not sure which one is doing what anymore. She is lost to me.....
My girl always use to smile for pictures.....
Now it is like almost impossible to get a decent shot of her. We had portraits done for Christmas cards this year.There was one shot out of 20 individual ones of her with a half decent smile. I can't find the CD right now or I would show you our Christmas cards.
This was the one decent shot from the snow around Christmas.
I am not asking for a pity party! I am just sharing with you what the reality of my life is right now. The one bright spot is our precious Jon Jon! When I am crying he will come up to me and say "Why crying Mommy?" "Need a hug?" I will pick him up and he will kiss my face, wipe my tears away and just stay cuddly with me. There is nothing quite like this little man who is so sensitive and loving.
My special little guy. He was very proud of the necklace he made for his EI teacher.
When it rains on your parade,
look up rather than down.
Without the rain, there
would be no rainbow.
G.K. Chesterton
So, I am going to be posting about the things I am thankful for to remind me of what is good and happy in my life for the next several months.
1. Is for the sunshine today! It has been rather dark , gray and rainy here in the PNW.